
Expanded Love Template Questionnaire

Tuesday, June 9th, 2015

Making a “Love Template” is an easy way to create more connection and harmony in your relationship. Here’s my article on the subject: how-to-create-marital-bliss-make-a-love-template . A Love Template is a blue print describing the specific actions that makes your partner feel happy and adored by you. The next time you and your beloved are out to dinner, sharing a glass of wine or lying in bed together ask these questions:

1) What do I do that makes you really happy that I can do more of?

2) What do you want to happen first thing in the morning that would make you feel loved?

3) What is the thing at the end of the day that I could do that would make you feel relaxed and joyful?

4) What do you want your life to look like in five years?

5) And how can I help you get there?

6) What would blow your mind in the bedroom and fully satisfy you?

7) How do you like to be touched?

8) Where is an area in your life that you’re struggling?

9) How can I help you there?

10) Name three qualities that are the most important to you to make a happy day?

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